“The important thing is to not stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Curiosity has it own reason for existing.
Welcome to Loretta Huggins’ Viewpoint. The purpose of this website is to encourage critical thinking by offering unique perspectives on everyday issues of life. Critical thinking involves objectively analyzing and evaluating information, ideas, or claims that impact our daily lives. This process helps us form well-reasoned judgments and conclusions that benefit everyone concerned.
One of the most effective ways to challenge ourselves is by asking the five most important questions about our beliefs. These five important questions are listed below:
- 1. Why?
- 2. Why?
- 3. Why?
- 4. Why?
- 5. Why?
For example, if you dislike the Doberman breed, then you should delve into the reason(s) why. The process is simple, as demonstrated below:
- 1. Ask yourself, “Why do I dislike Dobermans?”
- 2. Whatever your answer is to Question #1, ask Why?
- 3. Based on the answer to Question #2, ask Why?
- 4. Based on the answer to Question #3, ask Why
- 5. Finally, based on the answer to Question #4, ask Why?
If you answer each “Why?” honestly, then by the fifth answer you’ll have the real reason(s) why you dislike Dobermans – or any other animal, including the human-type. Again, by repeating this process, we can uncover underlying motives, values, and assumptions that inform and shape our beliefs. This introspection can lead to greater self-awareness and deeper understanding of our own thinking processes.
This website is to encourage readers to realize that enjoying life is more than just DOING, it is more about BEING, which is crucial for self-care and the care of others. We often get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to savor the present moment of who we are. We are often distracted by DOING that we forget to question why are we “doing” and if our “doing” is a true representation of our BEING – and if our “being” is WHO we really want to BE.
Thank you for visiting LorettaHuggins.com (Loretta’s Viewpoint). I hope you will enjoy your journey of self-discovery and personal growth with me.
Loretta Huggins