Wisdom: The Starting Point
“The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence:]”
Proverbs 1:7a (Amplified)
This passage in the Book of Proverbs provides valuable wisdom and guidance for personal growth and self-improvement. The concept of the knowledge mentioned proverbs is not limited to just a collection of facts, but encompasses the ability to perceive, discern, and understand situations in life.
Worshiping God is the first step towards acquiring this type of knowledge and wisdom. The fear of the Lord mentioned in verse seven does not refer to fear in the sense of danger of punishment, but rather a deep respect and reverence for God’s power and authority. An excellent example, of having respect for God, which breeds wisdom and knowledge is the account of the sons of Issachar:
Of the tribe of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, two hundred chiefs; and all their relatives were at their command;
1 Chronicles 12:32 (Amplified)
In the tribe of Issachar, there existed men who possessed a unique understanding of the times and had the knowledge to guide Israel in their actions. These individuals, described as having insight into the circumstances of their era, held a position of leadership and influence. Their wisdom and discernment allowed them to make informed decisions that benefited not only their own tribe but also the wider community of Israel.
The account of the sons of Issachar resonates with the message of Proverbs 1:7a, which states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” The men from Issachar recognized the importance of revering God and seeking His wisdom, which served as the foundation for their understanding and ability to lead. Their example demonstrates the significance of acknowledging and embracing divine wisdom as the starting point for true knowledge and effective leadership.
By worshiping God, we connect to the source of all wisdom and understanding. We open ourselves up to receive His guidance and wisdom. This leads to a clearer understanding of ourselves and the world around us, allowing us to make positive changes in our lives – and inspiring others to do the same.
In Proverbs, there are forty-one passages that mention “knowledge”, indicating its significance in our lives. Worshiping God and having a deep respect for His power and authority is the key to acquiring the knowledge and wisdom necessary for personal growth and self-improvement. To repeat, by connecting to the source of all wisdom and knowledge through worship, we can make positive changes in our lives and achieve our life-long dreams.
Questions for Discussion:
- As a professional in your respective field, how can you relate the concept of knowledge mentioned in Proverbs to your daily work and decision-making processes?
- The passage highlights the fear of the Lord as the foundation for true knowledge. How do you interpret and apply this idea in your profession to enhance your understanding and expertise?
- Can you share specific examples of how acknowledging and embracing divine wisdom has led to positive changes in your work environment or industry?
- As students, how can you apply the concept of the fear of the Lord as the beginning of knowledge in your academic journey and personal growth?
- Retirees often have valuable life experiences; how does embracing a reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord contribute to continual learning and wisdom in this phase of life?
- For homemakers, how can the fear of the Lord as the starting point of knowledge impact decision-making and relationships within your household?
I look forward to your comments